Children's Author
"...a delightfully witty story that puts you right at ease with yourself and cheers the heart with our own personal uniqueness. Rose and Her Amazing Nose, is a story that inspires acceptance, self-worth and best of all, laughter."
Readers' Favorite
"...This simple story of an elephant and a grasshopper and their special friendship really deals with issues that adults will identify with, such as racism and prejudice. It is an ideal book for a parent to read to a child and to explain the true meaning of the story."
"...Kids get teased about so many things these days, so Rose and Her Amazing Nose by Andrew W. Fairchild is a breath of fresh air telling readers about a young girl who is happy with herself just as she is. Rose tells us at the end, "I do not want a different nose no matter how big it may be. This is simply who I am and what makes me . . . ME!"
"An animal fable—with beautiful watercolor images—about following your dreams when others tell you to quit that never quite delves into the consequences."
"...Rose and Her Amazing Nose is a good choice for kids ages four through eight, who appreciate unconventional stories and ideas, or those that are in need of some reassurance about the beauty in being different. Rose is a great source of strength and empowerment and encourages readers to embrace their differences."
"...Bali and Blu: Friends of a Different Color is a simple story of an elephant and a grasshopper and their special friendship that deals with issues that adults will identify with, such as racism and prejudice. It is an ideal book for a parent to read to a child and to explain the true meaning of the story."